T.N.Seshan and his wife learnt a valuable lesson
▪In a management seminar once T. N. Seshan shared t hat while travelling in Uttar Pradesh with his wife, when he was the Chief Election Commissioner, they saw a large mango plantation filled with sparrow nests.
Seshan's wife decided to carry two nests home.
The police escort called a young boy who was grazing cows and asked him to bring down two nests and offered to pay him Rs 10.
▪He refused as Seshan raised the offer to Rs 50.The boy told Seshan and his wife :
*Sahibji, I will not do it for whatever you will give.*
*Inside these nests are baby sparrows; if I give those nests to you, in the evening, when the mother sparrow returns with food for the babies and does not find them there, she will cry.*
*I do not have the heart to see that.*
*▪* Seshan and his wife were taken aback and *felt small*.
Seshan later recounted :
*My position and the IAS label* melted away in front of that *little boy.*
*I stood in front of him feeling as small as a mustard seed.*
After returning home,this incident continued to haunt me with guilt for days.
Education, position or social status are never a yardstick for the measure of humanity.
*Don't Forget*
```▪Knowledge is to```
```know nature.```
```▪We don't achieve```
```anything by```
```gathering a lot```
```of information.```
```▪Life becomes```
``` blissful when you```
```have knowledge,```
```sense and wisdom```
_Reproduced from_
```The Speaking Tree`
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