Sunday, 28 June 2020

Love people as they are..!

From the diary of Sayyed Jaffrey..

I was 19 when I was married to Mehrunima who was 17. As I grew up, I was very fascinated by the british culture in colonial India. I learnt to speak English fluently, wear suits with grace, and developed impeccable etiquettes. But Mehrunima grew up to be my complete opposite - homely, a typical housewife. All my advices and admonishments couldn't change her basic personality - an obedient wife, a doting mother and a good homemaker.

But she was not what I wanted. More I tried to change her, more we drifted apart. Gradually she metamorphosed from a cheerful affectionate young girl into a quiet insecure woman. Meanwhile I started getting attracted to a co-actor of mine who was all what I wanted in my wife.

After 10 years of marriage, l divorced Mehrunima, left my home and married my co- actor. I had ensured financial security of Mehrunima and my kids . For about 6-7 months everything went well. Then I started realising, my new wife was not caring and affectionate. She was only concerned about her beauty, her ambitions, her wants and desires. Sometimes I missed Mehrunima's caring touch and concern for my welfare.

Life moved on . I and my new wife were 2 persons living in a house, not one soul living in a home. I never went back to find out what happened to Mehrunima and my kids.
After about 6 -7 years of my second marriage, I came across an article on a Madhur Jaffrey, an upcoming famous chef who had recently launched a book of her own recipes. The moment I looked at the picture of the smart elegant lady, I was stunned. It was Mehrunima. But how could it be ??? She had remarried and changed her maiden name too.

I was shooting abroad at that time. She lived in US now. I caught the next flight to US. I inquired about her where abouts and went to meet her. She refused to see me. My daughter who was 14, and son who was 12, told her they wanted to talk to me one last time. Her new husband was by her side. He was also my children's legal father now.
To this date, I cannot forget what my children told me.

They told me that their new father knows the meaning of true love. He Broke Da Cage of Negativity. He accepted Mehrunima as she was and never tried to change her into what he himself was, because he loves her more than he loves himself. He let her evolve at her own pace and never tried to force his wishes on her. He accepted and enjoyed her person as it was. And she has bloomed into a confident loving affectionate self reliant lady today under her second husband's selfless love and acceptance.

Where as I was full of selfishness, demands and unacceptance of her persona had crushed her and then in my selfishness had discarded her. Creating a Cage of Negativity.

The greatest learning of my life- You don't change people you love, you love them as they are.

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Dont we all?

I parked in front of the market sitting inside my car waiting for my son to get few items from the supermarket.

Coming my way from across the road was what society would consider a "tramp".

From his looks, he had no home, no clean clothes, and no money.

There are times when you feel generous but there are other times that you just don't want to be bothered.

This was one of those "don't want to be bothered times."

"I hope he doesn't ask me for any money,"  I thought.

He didn't.

He came and sat on the curb nearby but he didn't look like he could have enough money to even get a good meal.

After a few minutes, he spoke.

"That's a very nice  car you have there" he said.

He was ragged but he had an air of dignity around him.

I said, "thanks," and continued listening to the car radio.

He sat there quietly and the expected plea for money never came.

As the silence between us widened something inside me said, "ask him if he needs any help."

I was sure that he would say "yes" but I held true to the inner voice.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

He answered in three simple but profound words that I shall never forget.

We often look for wisdom in great men and women and we expect it from those of higher learning and accomplishments.

I expected nothing but outstretched hands.

He spoke three words that shook me.

 *"Don't we all" ?* he said.

I was feeling high and mighty, successful and important, until those three words hit me like a shotgun.

*Don't we all?*

I needed help.

Maybe not for bus fare or a place to sleep or a meal,
but I needed help.

I reached in my wallet and gave him enough to get a warm meal and few other things for the day.

Those three little words still ring in my ears.

No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have accomplished,
you need help too.

No matter how little you have, no matter how loaded you are with problems,
you can give help.

Even if it's just a compliment, you can give that.

You never know when you may see someone that appears to have it all.

They are waiting on you to give them what they don't have.
A different perspective on life,
A listening ear,
A kind word,
An understanding smile....

The man was just a homeless stranger wandering the streets.

Maybe he was more than that.

Maybe he was sent by a power that is Great and Wise,
Maybe God looked down, called an Angel, dressed him like a tramp, then said, "go minister to that man inside the car, that man needs help."


Let’s spend this lockdown period to reflect on life’s true meaning.

We come, we go; the in between defines who we truly are.

Stay Blessed.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

The tale of truth and lie

According to a 19th century legend, the Truth and the Lie meet one day. The Lie says to the Truth: "It's a marvellous day today"! The Truth looks up to the skies and sighs, for the day was really beautiful. They spend a lot of time together, ultimately arriving beside a well. The Lie tells the Truth: "The water is very nice, let's take a bath together!" The Truth, once again suspicious, tests the water and discovers that it indeed is very nice. They undress and start bathing. Suddenly, the Lie comes out of the water, puts on the clothes of the Truth and runs away. The furious Truth comes out of the well and runs everywhere to find the Lie and to get her clothes back. The World, seeing the Truth naked, turns its gaze away, with contempt and rage.
The poor Truth returns to the well and disappears forever, hiding therein, its shame. Since then, the Lie travels around the world, dressed as the Truth, satisfying the needs of society, because, the World, in any case, harbours no wish at all to meet the naked Truth.

Don't know who wrote this but that's reality 👍